Target Unwanted Hair with Hair Removal
You love going out and hitting the town in your skirt or shorts. This is something you have enjoyed doing for years. The problem is that you hate shaving. You stay on top of this aspect of your social life because you love going out far more than you love shaving and waxing. You just wish there was an easier way to get the same results with less effort. There is an easier way thanks to the hair removal techniques we have available at our office.
In the past, professional hair removal could not be performed on just anyone. It required a person to have certain types of skin and hair. Today, this has all changed with the advancement of medical science in this area improving the way the hair removal systems operate.
When you use a razor to strip hair from your body, it is common to experience missed hairs and some residual stubble—especially if your blade is slightly dull. Additionally, a razor can scrape, nick and cut the skin, leaving all kinds of unwanted blemishes. Hair removal at our office does not produce so many problems like these. The technician can target every last hair, getting your skin as smooth and hair-free as possible.
At Miller Aesthetics, we are proud to offer hair removal treatments utilizing the Venus Concept treatment. Contact our office in Tavernier today to schedule a consultation and learn more!