Cellulite Reduction: Exploring Your Treatment Options
Very few cosmetic issues are as frustrating to deal with as cellulite. Staying at a healthy weight and keeping your skin moisturized will reduce your risk of these dimples and bulges, but almost everyone is going to experience those blemishes at some point. That is why we are proud to offer our clients some of the most advanced cellulite reduction treatments out there. Our non-invasive procedures address the root causes of cellulite, and that is how we create long-term results. As long as you stay at a healthy weight and follow all of our aftercare instructions, you are going to enjoy your smooth and toned skin for many years to come.
The Truth About Cellulite
There are many different myths and misconceptions about cellulite, and that is one of the reasons why it is so difficult to treat. Cellulite is partially caused by fatty tissue, but other variables must be taken into consideration as well. Just under your dermis, there is a network of connective tissue that keeps your skin firm. When that connective tissue is weakened, the underlying fatty tissue can push through. Those small pockets of fat create the bulges and dimples that we associate with cellulite. This condition isn’t dangerous, but most people find it to be unattractive.
Laser Cellulite Reduction
Cellulite can be treated in many different ways, but very few options are as effective as Venus Legacy. During this procedure, we can break apart fatty tissue, reinforce the skin, and sever weakened connective tissue with nothing more than pulses of laser energy. The laser also stimulates the production of important amino acids such as collagen and elastin. In addition to seeing immediate improvements, your skin is only going to get healthier as time goes on.
Getting Started
We invite all of our patients to schedule an initial consultation with our team at Miller Aesthetic Medicine to learn more about how Venus Legacy works as a cellulite reduction treatment and what to expect. The treatments are performed in the comfort of our office and are convenient, even for those with busy schedules.
We are ready to help you eradicate this pesky cosmetic issue so that you can once again be confident in your own skin. Contact us today to book a consultation at our office in Tavernier!