VI Derm in the Florida Keys: Who Is a Candidate?
It can be beneficial for people with skin problems such as acne and rosacea to receive skin resurfacing treatments like laser therapy. These kinds of procedures reduce inflammation and force the skin to produce new cells, which heals and rejuvenates the skin. However, it also pays to follow up with personal care products that continue to nourish the skin in between laser therapy treatments and for the purpose of maintaining the improvement. VI Derm in the Florida Keys is one such skin care product.
What Is VI Derm?
VI Aesthetics is a company that was established in 2005 for developing and producing high quality clinical-level skin moisturizers, lotions and exfoliating soaps. There was an actual doctor behind this company’s creation and medical knowledge behind the formulas. VI Aesthetics consequently produced a line of skin care treatments dedicated to treating symptoms of acne and rosacea.
The doctor behind the formulation of VI Derm had a daughter with notably bad acne. She also had skin that was too dark to respond well to laser therapy treatments, which would probably cause scarring worse than the acne itself. Thankfully, he was able to create a solution for his daughter and for countless others.
Laser Treatments aren’t for Everybody
Light and energy lasers are absorbed more by darker skin tones than by fairer ones. Women and men with darker skin tones often experience scarring of their skin tissue after laser skin treatments because of this. This is why most laser treatments are not recommended for those with darker skin tones unless the devices are specially developed to benefit all skin tones.
If you have darker skin and are having problems with acne, there is a VI Derm formula just for you. If you do decide to get laser therapy treatments, VI Derm products can help keep the scarring to a minimum and help your skin heal faster.
Using VI Derm in the Florida Keys While Being Treated
VI Derm in the Florida Keys works well for men and women of all skin tones and can be used as a supplemental treatment while undergoing laser therapy or other forms of photo-rejuvenation. Many dermatologist offices, including our own, provide VI Derm patients as part of their daily regimen for fortifying the skin with nutrients that have revitalizing effects.
Natural facial scrubs that are gentle yet powerful enough to encourage healing can be vital to keeping the skin clean in order to avoiding excessive inflammation after laser therapy treatments.
The VI Derm line of products can be used to treat general skin problems such as oily skin, dry skin and to stave off visible signs of aging. If there is anything about the health of your skin you feel needs improvement, there is probably something in the VI Derm line of products to help with it.
Contact our office today to schedule your consultation! Miller Aesthetic Medicine offers VI Derm in the Florida Keys, specifically in Tavernier, FL.